Chapter Thirty Eight

I paged through the front of the book trying to figure out how or if I could make anything out any of the words. The letters seemed strange to me, almost as if they were mixed up or something. I started to look around the room some more and I noticed what looked like a large bag on the floor.  I think it was made out of canvas. When I reached down to pick it up I was surprised how heavy it was. I laid it on the table and looked inside.
I wasn’t sure what it was so I pulled it out. This was weird. It was three mirrors mounted on a metal bracket; two of the mirrors were facing the same way and were smaller than the one facing the opposite way. There was also large space between the mirrors. I wasn’t really sure what it was, or why they would have mirrors facing each other.
I put my hand between the mirrors but nothing happened. After looking it over for awhile I noticed that the center of the space between the mirrors had what looked like a place to hold something.  I looked over at the book and laid it in the opening and it fit perfectly. What happen next boggled my mind. I started to move the mirrors around I thought maybe the light from the mirrors would somehow do something to the book.  I know that sounds crazy, but it wasn’t anymore crazy than people changing form into a freaking monster looking thing. Anyway, as I moved the mirrors around I noticed something. On the corner of the third mirror I could see part of the page of the book, and I could read a word. It said (together) just as plain as day!!. My eyes narrowed and my mind went into overdrive! What the hell! I turned the third mirror so I could see the whole page, OH MY GOD!!!! I could read every word! I looked back at the book laying there. That’s when I could see it, the words were written backwards.
Oh wow, I just remembered the day I drove away in my truck to follow the realtor into town, I had looked through my mirror at the door and thought I could read it. When I got out and looked I saw that I couldn’t. At the time I didn’t catch on, but now it makes sense. The door must be written the same way.
This is hard to explain but as I looked into the third mirror it must have been lined up just enough with the other two that it switched it around. I adjusted all three mirrors so I could read it perfectly. I thought, what a smart person this was. He had to use three mirrors to actually write it perfectly like this. Looking into one mirror wouldn’t have worked because he would have had to write looking into the same mirror, but by using three mirrors he could adjust them just right so he could look into the one mirror and it would be as if he were really writing it normally. Amazing as heck. I knew I needed to start reading it from the beginning so I turned to the front of the book and started reading.

"This is the written words of Jacque Bechune. Today the sun sets with the sounds of hell closing in. I am close to finding a way to killing these demons.  I caught one again two nights past. I tell you this hoping you are not going through the same torment that is inside of me. I’ve learned of a way to capture them, to hold there demon so it can not rise. They were coming for me and I knew it.  I read from a old passage that if you were to burn the hair of the wild boar and the smoke rises from the strike of flint the spirit of what is within will be frozen, and at that time you must enter his heart with the blood of a silver tipped knife. Only then you can rid what lives inside."

I had to stop and think for a minute.  What the hell am I even reading here? I looked over at the box that carried the flint. I walked over and opened it and looked inside. What I had thought was grassy stuff might be hair? I picked it up and looked closer, it was hair, though I wasn’t sure of what. I could only assume it was from a boar.  Oh my God, this was getting too crazy again. I went back over and started to read. Page after page it told me of the horrors that he had lived through. One page really scared me.

It said that one night he heard a tapping at the door, he knew he couldn’t open it because of the evil that was on the other side of the door. He looked through the hole in the lock and he could see one of the demons. It had a small child, a girl, she was knocking at the door, her eyes full of tears and her voice shaking from fear. He could see the long claws of the demon already dripping blood. He said he knew they had killed the little girls family. Then he said that he couldn’t watch anymore because he knew he couldn’t open the door.
With his back against the door, the last thing he heard was the screams of something that will haunt him until his last breath.

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