Chapter Twelve

Oh well, yet another strange thing to go along with the house, I laughed and then went back upstairs to finish putting together the bed, I didn’t have much left to bring in the house, it was mostly the larger things I was going to need hel...p with carrying, the TV and couch and a couple larger dressers a large freezer ,fridge and my desk, I was getting pretty tired so after finishing the bed and re arranging some things around the house I thought about going into town for a bite to eat, I had brought things from back home but didn’t really feel like making a mess quite yet so I unhooked my trailer and headed on into town, It was pushing close to ten o clock so I figured maybe everything would be closed, as I drove by the little café I noticed the close sign was up, there were some people still in there but I’m sure that they were the last customers for the day, so I drove up the street to check out the other café but the windows were dark. Well it looks like I’ll be making something after all, I drove up to the next street so I could turn around and headed back across town, The gas stations lights were on and thought maybe I could grab one of those microwavable sandwiches to tie me over until morning, that sounded good so I pulled in and went inside there was a older woman working behind the counter so I asked her if she was still open for business, She smiled and said yes and that they were open until eleven, oh that’s good to know, then I walked over to the coolers where the sandwiches were, I guess I must have been standing there a few minutes when I heard the lady from behind the counter ask me if there were something she could help me find? I smiled and said that I was kind of hungry and was going to go to the café but they had closed so I thought I’d try one of these delicious looking heat me up kind of sandwiches, She laughed and said well if you’re looking for a place to eat the old Stream bound inn serves meals, and they are open until eleven. I walked over to the counter that sounds good to me, where can I find it. She pointed out toward the road and said just go out to the main drive and turn left, it’s about two miles out, you will come to a dip in the road and cross an old bridge right past the bridge take another left and go a half mile, you can’t miss it. I thanked her for the information and that I sure appreciate it she smiled and said have a nice evening, same to you I said.
I had driven close to two miles when sure enough I came to a dip in the road, I crossed the bridge and took a left, It was a darken road with trees close to the edge on both sides, I could see a yard light up ahead filtering through the trees as I made my way up the darken road, I came to a small clearing with a sign that had one light flickering in it, kind of like the bates motel scene in that movie, oh great another creepy thing to add to my list of creepies, I actually couldn’t help but laugh out loud at my silliness, anyway the sign said Old Stream Bound Inn so at least I had found the right place, there were a few cars in the parking lot so that made me feel better. I walked in and looked around a few people were up at a little bar and a couple at a table, there was a little sign that said please wait to be seated so I stood there, shortly a man wearing a nice shirt and pants with a leisure walked up to me and said you must be the man looking for a home cooked meal, my eyes squinted excuse me I said, he laughed and said that Eleanor from the Hoffman’s gas station called us and said that there was someone coming to get something to eat, so I figure that someone must be you. Wow that was nice of her I thought, I told the gentleman that he was right and that I just didn’t feel like a microwavable meal tonight.

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