Chapter Thirteen

He sat me in a small booth next to a large window.  He asked me what I would like to drink and then told me a few specials that they had. The roast beef and gravy with homemade potatoes sounded good, so I ordered that and a glass of red wine and a small glass of water.  "Sure thing.",  he said. It wasn’t long and he brought me over my water and a small basket of homemade bread. The smell was so good I could almost taste it before I actually did.  I was sitting there enjoying my meal when the waiter came over and asked me if everything was alright with my meal.  "oh yes, this really hit the spot." I said as I smiled.  He was about to walk away, when I said,  "Excuse me,  can I ask you a question?" He turned to me and said,  "Of course."   "Well,  I was wondering about the name of your restaurant."  "Where did they come up with its name?" "Is there a stream that runs nearby?"   I knew I crossed a small bridge but that looked more like a small creek.  "Oh", he said.  "Yes,  there is a small stream running right by the Inn.",  he said. "They have lights that they usually have on." "I will go turn them on."  I was watching out the window when the whole area lit up.  It was beautiful.  There was a large deck and a small walk bridge that looked like it went over the stream to a sitting area.  The massive trees towered over the stream almost cradling it as it flowed past the Inn. I heard the waiter say, "It’s pretty nice isn’t it?" I replied, "Yes it sure is."   I told him I bet it was  breathtaking in the winter months too. "Yes," he said, "They get a lot of skiers that stay here in the winter and people really love it."  He came back over to my table and asked me if I was finished with my meal. "Yes, and thank you,  it was wonderful. Then I asked him , "How much does it cost to stay here?"  He paused, then told me that for a single room it was eighty nine dollars. "Are  there any rooms open for tonight?" I asked.   "Sure thing! This is our slow season. We don’t fill up until closer to fall.  A lot of people come here to look at the fall colors and in the winter we get all the skiers so then we are very busy." nHe asked me if I wanted a room. I thought about going to my place but I hadn’t really finished even setting up my bed yet so I said yes I think I will.
Ok, he said that’s great, I finished my glass of wine, then went up to the front desk where he was standing.  I filled out a little card with my information, then gave him my credit card to pay for the room. He handed me a key and said that he gave me one of the suites for the same cost as a single.  I smiled and said thank you. Then he handed me back my credit card and said have a good night.   I was about to go up to my room when I remembered I hadn’t paid for my meal.  "Excuse me," I said.  I forgot to pay for my meal. The gentleman smiled and said,  "Oh,  no,  your fine, the meals come with the room." "Really?", I said. "Wow that’s a pretty good deal, thank you."  He shook his head and said you’re welcome.
I walked up the stairs and followed a narrow hallway to the room said T-11 on it. I came to the end of the hall but there was no T-11.  I checked every door again but there wasn’t any with that number on it so I went back downstairs to talk to the waiter.  "Excuse me,  but I can’t find room T-11."  "Oh, I’m sorry",  he said. "That room doesn’t have a number on it.  Just go to the end of the hall and it’s the last door in the hall.  I thanked him and  went back upstairs and followed the hallway to the end.  There was a door at the end of the hall, kind of looked to me like it was a broom closet. I slipped in the key and it opened.  I turned on the light and gazed with amazement.  It was absolutely beautiful. Bold wood surrounded the room, a hard wood floor shined as if it had just been polished, there was a large brick and stone fire place with a huge log mantle, the king sized bed sat at an angle from one of the corners of the room, it had large log posts on each corner and at the foot of the bed and there was one of those old trunks.  The head of the bed was I believe red maple,  the colors were so deep that I couldn’t help but to touch.  I walked over to the fire place.  There were some kindling and newspapers there so I started a fire. After the kindling was going good I placed a few pieces of wood on it.  The wood was white birch, it burns with a bluish color to it.  I was thinking that I needed to get some of that for my fireplace.  I couldn’t believe the size of this room. There was a small kitchen that had one of those hanging things over an island.  You know,  with all the pots and pans hanging from it.  On the island there was a small basket with a small bottle of wine and some crackers.  Wow this place really was amazing.  I found a glass in a cabinet and poured myself some wine.  I took the little box of crackers,  then went over to the fireplace and nestled into a small couch.  I just sat there totally relaxed, even thoughts of my house disappeared.  I really needed this. Smiling to myself I knew everything was going to be alright.

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