Chapter Nine

Red kind of quietly put his head down and said I haven’t even begun to tell you any stories, and then he took a sip of his coffee and looked up at the waitress. I nudged him and said its ok you’re not scaring me, besides I like to know everything about the house, good or bad. No I’ll keep quiet about it; I wouldn’t want miss noisy to think I was making up any stories. I laughed Oh common Red tell me more about the place, I would love to know everything I can. Well Ok he said, Evert Crane wasn’t the only one to come up missing from that place, Red paused a little as he looked up at the waitress, Really, What do you mean, Come up missing, from the house or around the area, No I mean from the house, shortly after Evert disappeared a young family from Kansas moved in, at first people would see them around town shopping or whatever, But after about a month or so no one had seen them, People said they could see lights on at night so they figured someone must be around, three months went by when people started to worry, so the sheriff went up there to check it out, the door was part way opened so he went in, but no one was around, It was if no one had even been there. I shrugged my shoulders and said, well maybe they didn’t like the place, Red shook his head no, and then told me that there family from Kansas had contacted the sheriff about a month later looking for them, as far as any of us know they just vanished. Good God, that doesn’t sound to good, Red went on to tell me that there were three other families that did the same thing, they would live there for a short period of time, then just up and move out without even a trace. Ok now I was getting a little uneasy feeling in my stomach, you mean to tell me that four different families lived there and no one knows what happen to them, Yep that’s what I’m telling you, The Sheriff went up there with a bunch of higher ups from down in D.C. but they never found anything.
Well I wonder why the Realtor hadn’t mentioned anything to me, Red looked over the top of his glasses and chuckled, would you think he would be able to sell it if he did, I suppose not, I sat there in silence starring at my burger, then Red said well the good thing is nothing has happen like that in over five years so I’m sure everything will be fine, I looked over at him and rolled my eyes, oh that’s assuring. I asked him what he thought had happen to the people, I’m not really sure, Some people think that they all just got spooked and took off to another area, but others think it’s a deeper subject, Like what I asked, well the people that lived there, the Vagunes, were said to have the gift of the night, What does that mean? Well the gift of the night means that when night falls you hunger for the hunt of souls, like a satanic cult? No more like when a pack of wolves that can smell blood from miles away, it was said years ago old man Vagunes was seen down by the river dragging something, when the people hollered at him to see what he was dragging, they heard a loud blood curling screaming sound, It terrified the people and they ran, but the Story grew into something far worse, the next morning they found the remains of a large dog half eaten in the same area that they had seen Vagunes, for years people shunned away from their place, because it was said that he had eaten the dog

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