Chapter Eight

It didn’t take us long to get back to his office. We talked a little bit about the legalities and when I could actually gain full rights to the property.  Samuel told me it would probably be a week or so before he could get everything done on the abstract.  I asked him how many people had owned the home prior to me.  He told me no one had actually purchased the house, although a few people had rented it.   "Really?That seems odd, wasn’t the house built in 1817?", I asked.   "Yes, it was, he replied. "The family had lived there for many years and when they left no one knew if they were coming back. In those days people would leave for months at a time, sometimes years and then one day just show up like they had never left."  Puzzled, I asked Samuel if he knew of anything that was wrong with the house;  things like argon gasses or mold or radon gas.  "No, nothing at all ,Scott.  We have never had any kind of complaint of that nature.", he said nervously.   "So what kind of complaints do you get then?", I asked.  He laughed out loud. "Well..... we have had a few people say they think the house is haunted,  but that’s just people talking, that’s all, it’s nothing to worry about."   I laughed and said that I had better get my séance set up so we could chase all the ghosts away.   We both laughed out loud then went back to talking about the paper work that had to be done.   I told Samuel that I would have the money wired from my account to the city’s as soon as we finished.
After about two hours of signing and talking things out, Samuel shook my hand and
said,  "Congratulations Scott!  "You’re the new owner of a beautiful Victorian home. I wish you all the best."  I thanked him for his time and headed toward the door. 
Just before I stepped outside, I turned and asked him if it was ok if I had some things delivered to the house before the paper work was final.  "Oh yes,  that won't be a problem", he told me.  "The house is as good as yours right now.  "All I have to do is get the abstract notarized." "Oh wait a minute, Scott, I have your keys to the house." You wouldn’t get too far without these",  he said as he handed me two keys, one large one and one smaller.  "Oh",  I said.  "I thought there was only one key for the house." "Yes, you are right." he told me. "The large one is for the front door and the smaller one we aren't sure about."  "All we know is that it was in the house when we were looking at the house."  He said that I could just as well take it with because it has to be for something to do with the house since it was found there.  I agreed, thanked him again,  and headed out the door.
My heart was pounding like crazy.  I couldn’t believe that I owned such a magnificent home, one that I had dreamt about for years and really never thought I would ever own. I was getting a little hungryso I figured I would go have a quick hamburger before I went to the bank to make the transfer.   I had liked the little café that I had breakfast at so I pulled over and went inside, Again a smiley waitress met me at the door and said good afternoon.  I smiled and said it sure is. I made my way to the counter and sat down.  She asked me if I wanted to see a menu.  "No,  that’s ok.  "I think I would like to have a cheese burger with extra pickles and a glass of milk."  "Sure thing", she said.  "I will be right back with your milk."  I quickly asked her to wait with the milk until my meal came.  "Oh of course", she said. There was a little flyer stuck between the napkin holder so I picked it up and started to glance through it.  I was really just trying to pass the time until my meal came when all at once I felt someone put their hand on my shoulder.  I looked up to see who it was when I heard that distinct voice of Red say,  "Back for some more grub,  huh?" He had a huge smile and a twinkle in his eye like he had just got away with something, I smiled and said, "I sure am. "I thought I’d try and see if I ate something else if I would get a hole burned through my stomach or not."  Red laughed,  then asked me if it was alright if he sat next to me, "Sure thing , Red!", I smiled.   "Oh,  you remember my name, huh?" I smiled and told him it wasn’t too hard sincee his hair was red.   He smiled again and said,  "Well, it's mostly gray now but I get what you’re saying."   He told the waitress he would have his regular and a cup of coffee, then he turned toward me and asked if I had found the house I was looking for earlier.  "I sure did.  "Thanks for telling me how to get to it." "Oh ,guess what? I’m a proud owner of a 1817 Victorian house." Really he said well congratulations, he asked me if I had seen any spooks up there, then he laughed, I said only one but he seemed nice so it should all be good, Well you never know he said, I’ve heard all kinds of stories about the old Cranes place for years, Puzzled, I said I wasn’t sure if we were talking about the same place, because this house was owned by a Charles Vagune and as far as I knew he was the only one that owned it, Oh yes it’s the same place, we call it the old Crane place around here because there was a man named Evert Crane that lived there after the Vagunes had moved out, People say he was there butler and they had left the house to him. After ten years or so after Vagunes left the city tried to evict him because he hadn’t paid taxes on the property. Story has it that he went mad people could hear screams from inside the home, then one day all was silence, for months no one dared to enter the house figuring he was either dead or he was waiting for someone to come. The crazy thing is the house sat empty for another ten years before someone actually went up there. Wow that’s crazy I said, so what, did they find him dead then, a skeleton laying in a bed or what? No, they didn’t find anything, so the locals figured he must have slipped away at night. Well that’s a weird thing to do, I suppose he figured he owed a bunch of money and just skipped out before having to pay; Red shrugged his shoulders and said that could be the case. Just then the waitress placed out food down and reached over and tapped me on the arm, She said don’t let that Old man scare you, he just likes to make up stories.

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