Chapter Thirty One

His voice more demanding with every word he said, I could tell he wasn’t happy.   I hollered out, "STOP IT!!"  What the Hell did you do with RED?"  He turned to me, his eyes frozen in a timeless stare, then he said, "You know nothing about what is going on here." The old woman said something, then he walked closer to her. She started saying something over and over again, then without as much as a blink of an eye the old man shape shifted into the most god awful thing I have ever seen.  I can’t even begin to explain the feeling I had inside of me.  He stood about eight feet tall, a hairless body that looked as if its skin was wet.  He had long fingers with claws that curled back around toward his hands, his feet blackened and had sharp claws.  I could hear them scratch the floor as he walked toward the old woman  and I could see every bone in his back.  He towered over her with a fear I could feel deep inside of me. I knew something was going to happen.  She changed forms into what looked like the wolf that had attacked me earlier.  I didn’t understand what was happening, but whatever that thing was , it scared the hell even out of her.  In a matter of seconds he attacked her.  He ripped at her with his long claws tearing parts of her.  He then grabbed her like she was nothing and snapped her neck, then threw her lifeless body to the floor.
I thought about bolting for the door, but who was I kidding.  I knew either way I was in for something so I might as well try and keep my back against the wall and let him come to me.  He turned toward me, blood dripping from his body.   I screamed,  "what do you want from me?"  Then his body quivered and he changed back to the old man.   I thought about trying to kill him while he was the old man but as fast as he changed the first time I knew it was a lost cause, so I just stood there.  I asked him why he killed Red and the old woman.  His breath slowed, then he came closer to me.  I told him not to come any closer.   He took another look at the old woman, then he said,  "She was the keeper of my house."  My thoughts went wild.  "What do you mean keeper of your house? Who are you?"  Without hesitation he said his name was Tershaune Vagnue.  I looked at him, then looked at the old woman.  "What do you mean? You’re trying to tell me that you’re the same Vagnue that built this house?"  "No," he said, that was my son Charles Vagnue.  He had built this house."  He took a few more steps closer to me, then told me he needed to sit down.  I slowly moved away from him as he sat down in a chair next to the fire place. His body seemed to be shaking as if he were cold.  This was crazy because not two minutes earlier he had ripped apart that wolf looking thing.  I asked him if he was ok, and then asked him just how old he was because the house had been built in 1817, and then he said it was built by his son. He told me that I was right, and that his son built this house.
"So where’s your son is now?" I told him, "The old lady said she was hired to take care of his mother, which I guess would have been your wife?"  He shook his head no, then he started to explain who the old woman was.  "My son had lived here for many years before my wife and I came here.  It was late in the fall when we finally arrived. The reason we had come here was to try and rid ourselves of the demands that haunted us.  My son learned of some old books that when read in the right way could end all of my families torment.  When he found out that he had no way of reading these passages, we were to go back to England and find someone to help us. We knew we had to keep it quiet because if found out by others we would have been killed."
"My wife was ill and could not travel, so my son found a woman to watch after her.  At first everything was fine, but after the next week the woman was going to say something to the local people, so my son turned her, knowing that if we could find out how to read these books things could be changed back. We had several rooms that we boarded up so the books would be safe when we returned, but when we were in England something happened.  The man we contacted wanted the books back.  He had been changed since my son had talked with him.  My son was killed by the very man that gave him the books in the first place. I knew that I had to get back to my wife before it was too late, but when I arrived back home something had happened.

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