Chapter Eighteen

 You ever look at something, and when you do, your eyes almost feel like a shutter of a camera, well that’s what mine felt like when I looked at the man running away, because as he was about to disappear into the darkness I swear in a blink ...of an eye the next thing I saw was a black dog or possibly a wolf running in his place, I shook my head then squinted to see if I could somehow see further into the dark but I couldn’t, I turned and walked back into the house, not knowing what to do next I went back into the living room and sat down on the couch in front of the fire place, I was trying to figure out what the hell went on here but the more I ran it threw my head the more nuttier it sounded. I lay down on the couch and closed my eyes, I was still UN easy about all this and was thinking about calling 911 but I really felt like I needed to sleep, and if I were to call who knows when I could get any rest.
I must have dozed off pretty good because when I opened my eyes I had looked over at the fire place and it was just about out, Not that I needed a fire going but I kind of liked the feeling of it so I put a couple more logs on it just to keep that warm feeling in the room. I looked down at my arm and figured I better go find the local hospital or clinic and have them take a look at it just to make sure I hadn’t been bitten by a dog with rabies or something. After brushing my teeth and somewhat cleaning myself up I got in my truck and headed into town, as I drove thru main street I noticed one of those blue signs with the white H on it, so I knew I was on the right track another one was on the next corner with an arrow pointing to the left so I followed it, I had only driven about three blocks when I seen a Hospital sign and a large brick building in the back ground, I pulled up to the front of the building and went inside.
As I went through the lobby there was a receptionist sitting behind a desk I asked her if there was someone that could take a look at my arm, She paged someone then asked me for my insurance information and my name, I told her I had Blue Cross of Minnesota and that I didn’t have my card on me, she smiled and said that was fine, then after a few minutes she asked me if the address was 1406 Park drive, I said yes, then she had me sign something and then told me to take a seat, it couldn’t have been five minutes when a nurse poked her head out of a door and said Scott, I stood up and followed her back to a examination room, she asked me what was bothering me then took my blood pressure and asked me if I had any allergic reaction to anything, and if I had been taking any prescriptions or anything, I said no and then started to explain what I thought had happen, I didn’t tell her anything about the weird stuff, only that I had blacked out from hitting my head and that I thought a dog had bitten me when I was lying there, She stood up and told me that she would get the doctor, and that I should wait right here.
Several minutes went by when I heard a light knock on the door, then it opened, it was the doctor, he shook my hand and said his name was Donald Calhoun, then he sat down and read the notes the nurse had written down, then he turned to me and said, sounds like you had quite a night last night, then chuckled, I squinted my eyes and said yeah I guess, he asked me to see the bite mark, I rolled up my sleeve and showed him, I had some make shift bandage on, oh he said we will have to take those off, I started to tear away at the tape when the Doctor said wait a minute, let me get some gloves on and do that, he started to take off my bandages and laid them down on a little tray, His face was hard to read, but he kind of looked puzzled, I waited for him to say something but he kept turning my arm side to side then lifted it up so he could see the underside of my forearm, I finally asked him what he thought.
He crinkled his nose a little then looked at me and said he wasn’t sure what to think, what did you say bite you he asked, I shrugged my shoulders and said I wasn’t sure, but I had seen a large black dog earlier that day and had went to try and find it in this old building, when I was in there I hit my head on something and it kind of made me dizzy, I was on the way to my truck when I must have blacked out when I woke up I had these bite marks on my arm so I figured it must have bitten me when I was passed out. He paused and then picked up some kind of measuring tool, he said that it must have been a large dog because these larger marks look like they were made by the canines and on a normal dog they are about two and a half inches apart. These are close to four inches apart so it must have been a huge dog. Again I shrugged my shoulders and said I wasn’t sure, all I knew is that it was a big looking dog. Well he said it sure looks like it was something big, then he said he had a man come in here about three months ago with a similar size bite the man told me that he had a pet wolf and it had accidently bitten him when he was playing with it, my eyes lit up and I started to think about what I had seen last night when that man ran out of my house I remembered seeing what I thought was a large black dog, but maybe it was a wolf! The doctor cleaned out my wounds and bandaged me up, and then he said he was going to give me a prescription for infection so he wrote up one and handed it to me. I stood up and shook his hand and thanked him, Oh he said didn’t you say you hit your head too. Yes but it doesn’t hurt I told him, he asked me to sit back down and he would take a look at it, a few minutes later he said it looks like it doesn’t need stitches and that it’s more than a scrap than a cut. Again I stood up and told him thanks then headed out the door.
On the way back home I swung into the little café, I wanted to see if the waitress knew of any one that could help me unload the rest of my trailer. As I walked into the front door I noticed two young boys about eighteen so I walked over to them and introduced myself to them, I asked them if they could help me unload my trailer because I needed help carrying the larger items into my house, They looked at each other and said sure, then asked me where I lived. When I told them I lived in the old Crane place they looked at each other then back at me, the one kid said he had forgotten he had to do something , Oh ok I said, what about you, as I turned to the other one, his face turned red then he said he really couldn’t go either because he has to help his Dad with something, I thought that was strange but went and sat down at the counter, the waitress came up and asked me if I wanted a menu? I was a little hungry so I said sure, then I asked her if she knew anyone that could help me lift some things out of my trailer and into my house

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