Chapter Twenty

I really didn’t know why he would have took off like that, I pulled up alongside him but he just kept walking straight, it was if he never even seen me. I rolled down the passenger’s window and hollered out his name, but again he acted as if I wasn’t even there, so I pulled up about a hundred feet in front of him and got out, I walked toward the back of my truck then told him I was sorry and if he could get in the truck because I want to give him a ride back into town and that I still had to pay him for his help.
It was if he was in a daze, Oh MY GOD!!! That’s when I noticed the front of his shirt was filled with blood, I grabbed hold of him and stopped him, I asked him what happen to him, he just shoved me to the side and kept walking, I ran up along side of him again and tried to stop him, but he was determined to keep going, I could see that he was bleeding from somewhere on his neck but I couldn’t really get a good look at it, like I said earlier Earl was a big man and for me to try and stop him was just about impossible but I knew I had to so I ran up alongside him again and stuck my foot between his and tripped him to the ground, what happened next went so fast I couldn’t believe it. Because when Earl fell he never even put his hands out to catch himself, his head drove hard into the pavement and almost instantly I saw blood pouring out from his head! Oh My God I shouted!!! What the hell, he laid motionless on the ground for a split second I just stood there dumb founded as to what happened.
I got down on my knees and rolled him over and checked his vitals and made sure he was breathing, I kept shaking him telling him all along that I was sorry for tripping him and all I wanted to do is see what was wrong with him, I unbuttoned his shirt and opened it up so he wouldn’t be able to breathe better without being restricted, that’s when I noticed that he had several cuts on his neck, I looked closer, my heart was about to explode from my chest because what I thought were cuts looked more like bite marks, the same ones that I had on my arm, I glanced at my arm and then back at Earls neck, Oh My GOD! Whatever made these marks on my arm were the same as what were on Earl’s neck.
I ran back to my truck and grabbed my first aid kit I had behind the seat, I had first aid training but no amount of training ever seems to prepare you for the real thing. On my way over to Earl I called 911 and told them that a Man had fell and hit his head and they needed to hurry, I waited for them to say something but it was silent, I looked at my phone to find that there wasn’t any signal, Oh great I stuffed my phone into my pocket and started to try and stop the bleeding, after about a half hour I had managed to control the bleeding, I checked his vital signs again and they seemed fine, I shook him hard yelling his name, trying to get some kind of response but it was as if he was in a coma.
I stood up and looked down the road to see if I could see anyone but there wasn’t anyone around, I ran back to my truck and pulled up alongside Earl, I thought about trying to pull him in the back of my truck, but decided not to just in case he had a neck injury, I reached in my pocket and tried to call 911 again, but there was still no signal.
I had no choice but to drive into town and get help. I had some old saw horses in the back of my truck so I put them up on both sides of Earl to try and protect him from any cars driving by, after that I hauled ass into town as fast as I could, the only place I could think of going is the little café and see if anyone could call 911 from there, I pulled up hard and laid on the brakes coming to a abrupt stop then ran inside, I immediately screamed out someone call 911!! My shirt soaked in blood and me shaking like a leaf, the waitress asked me what had happen and if I was alright, I said yes then briefly told her that Earl had hit his head and that I needed a ambulance right now! There was a man sitting at a booth that jumped up, he said that he was on the fire department and that he could help, I heard the waitress on the phone with 911 she hollered out to me, Where is he at the ambulance needs a address, I told her it was up on Shallow Pine ridge road, She started to explain to them where they needed to go, so I asked the man if he could come with me, he shook his head and we ran out to my truck, I spun backwards then floored it back up to willow street then up to Shallow Pine, the man asked me what had happen and what I thought was wrong with Earl, I kept it brief and said that he had tripped and fell and hit his head while walking along the road, I pointed up ahead toward where the saw horses were, there I said, he is by those saw horses, as I came to a sliding stop the man rushed around the truck and went right to work on Earl, within seconds he turned to me and said that he wasn’t breathing, What I said!!! That can’t be,

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