Chapter Seven

The first thing I saw was a large chandelier hanging just at the top of the stairs. It was made from black iron and had porcelain sconces over the lights. The base of the chandelier was formed to look like a hammer.  I kind of looked it over then followed Samuel to the first room.  I was so excited to see inside,  but when he opened the door all was lost. What I mean by that, what I was looking for, the dormers, were not even there! I couldn’t believe it, the room had one single window in the center of the room, and the walls were made of straight shiplap boards standing vertical all the way around the room,  The corner where what should have been a dormer was an angled corner with some shelves built in it. I just couldn’t understand why the carpenter wouldn’t have incorporated the dormers into the room.
Samuel asked me to come to the far room with him because he was sure I would like what I would see.  Excited as to what he had to show me,  I hurried quickly behind him. As we entered the room, there was no dormer in the corner.  With disappointment I asked Samuel what was so great about this room. "Well, I’m surprised you didn’t notice.", he said.  "Notice what?", I asked.  He pointed up to the ceiling.  He was right,  I was impressed.  It was a skylight with hand cut glass formed in the shape of a bird. It was about four feet across and three feet long, the glass was blackened on the edges and a cream color streaked throughout the rest of the glass, it was truly magnificent.  "My god, it's amazing!",  I told him. He said, "I’m glad you like it, now look down." When I looked down at the floor I was speechless. What I had been standing on was exactly what was on the ceiling but was placed in different types of wood; maple, white oak ,cherry and maybe some walnut.  It also had bits of marble or Cortez. "Well",  he said.  "We have to go into the office and sign the papers and that’s about it, if you are still interested."  I asked him how long the closing would take.  He smiled and said,  "The property is owned by the city,  so all you have to do is transfer the money to the city and that’s it."   Awesome, I couldn’t wait to get the paper work done. I started to follow Samuel down the stairs when I stepped on one of the steps that sounded hollow. I stopped and tapped on it for a second.  Samuel turned around and asked me if everything was ok.  "Yes,  I said. " I just thought one of the steps sounded funny."  He shrugged his shoulders and said,  "Well,  it was built in the eighteen hundreds.",  then chuckled a little.   I laughed too then followed him out of the house and into the yard.  I told him I would follow him back to his office.
As we drove away I glanced at my rearview mirror to look at the house.  I guess I was just looking at what could be my future.  It was then that  I noticed the front door.  The writing on the door seemed different than before.  I stopped my car and looked at it closer.  I was sure of it now; I just couldn’t read it because it was too far away.   I got out of my car and looked at it closer but I still couldn’t read what it said.  Frustrated,  I got back in my car and followed Samuel.

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