Chapter Eleven

Well after leaving the restaurant I made my way down the street to the bank, I wanted to get the transfer done before I changed my mind about even buying the house. I kept shaking my head in disbelief because of everything I had heard from Red, and to be honest I was kind of nervous about the whole thing.
I walked into the bank and went to the first teller that was available, It was about four thirty and the bank was kind of busy, The young lady asked me what she could help me with, so I told her I needed to make a bank transfer, Oh ok she said, do you have your account numbers, I had then written down on a piece of paper so I handed it to her, she wrote in the first number then asked me how much did I want to transfer, I told her to turn the paper over and that was the amount, her eyes lit up, oh fifty five thousand dollars, she looked up at me and said that she will need two forms of Id, Ok I said, I pulled out my license and my social security card, she looked it over and then started writing the rest of the transfer out. I was feeling pretty good about things again, even though I haven’t heard to many good things about the house, the actual design was exactly what I had hoped for.
Well that was done, After leaving the bank I was thinking of what is next, I had a week or so before the paper work would be final and I needed to get my things packed up at home, I got in my car and started my way back to Minnesota, I figured I could get at least to Chicago then crash for the night before I made the rest of the trip, On the way out of town I pulled into Clarks Construction, I wanted to stop in and talk with Carl for a few minutes Carl was my soon to be boss, and I wanted to tell him that I found a house and that I am looking forward to coming to work for him, We shook hands , then he showed me around the office. After a few minutes I told Carl I was going to get going, I had a long road ahead of me, we talked a few more minutes then He said have a safe trip and he will see me when I get back. Sounds good, and I headed out.
Around two weeks went by and I finally made back to Pennsylvania, I guess there was a lot more to pack up than I realized, God where does a guy find so much stuff. Anyway as I pulled into the driveway of my new home I felt a sense of relief, Mostly because all the while I was home I could think about anything but getting back here and getting settled in, Oh and I haven’t forgotten all the things that Red had told me, but I was trying to keep that stuff in the back of my mind, I grabbed a small bag, then jumped out of the truck, the bag had the paperwork I had done with Samuel plus the two keys that he had given me, there was a nice sized covered deck with two pillars that held up a huge wooden beam, the top stringers were made of rod iron that had a green tinge to it so It might have been copper but I wasn’t sure at this point, the trim work around the edges where covered with a rolled wooden molding covering the bottom of the soffit, this house just gets better and better the more I look at it, I was about to open the door when I remembered the day I was driving away and I had thought that I had saw words in the rear view mirror, but looking at it up close it just looked like a bunch of designs or maybe some letters but I really couldn’t make anything out of it, well anyway I stepped in and just stood in the door way for a minute, I gazed at the beautiful stairway and thought to myself I couldn’t believe I own this place, I walked in and then walked from room to room trying to get a feel for where I wanted to put certain things, the house was very clean, When I was back home in Minnesota Samuel had called me and told me that he was getting a cleaning service in to clean the house because it had never been cleaned for years, and he wanted to do that as a house warming gift from his office.
Well they did a wonderful job because everything looked detailed and show room ready, I was so happy too because I was figuring I had to come and clean before I could even move in. as I made my way around the house in the kitchen I found a note with a bottle of wine on the little island, I figured it was from Samuel so I opened it up, The hand writing was hard to read, but I managed to get most of it figured out, It said Welcome to the area, and a new beginning, I wish you the best, sincerely Red,
Well I’ll be darn, that sure was nice of him, I smiled and then picked up the bottle, It had a old label on the bottle I think it said Chateau de Beaucas, but I wasn’t sure, anyway it sure looked old, Wow this was pretty nice of him, I carefully put the bottle down then finished looking around the house.
It was getting close to mid afternoon and I wanted to get something’s off the trailer, I opened the doors of my trailer and started hauling things in the house, I figured I would place things close to where I thought they would go, then later rearrange everything to fit, I must have been working on it for at least five hours when I heard I thought I heard a knock at the front door, I was upstairs putting a small bed together, I stepped out into the hallway before the stairs and glanced down at the front door to see a man and a woman standing in front of my trailer, I thought it must be someone that was curious as to who was moving in, so I hurried up down the stairs, about halfway down the stairs I noticed that the man was holding a leash with a big black dog on the end of it, I stepped out on the deck, and cleared my throat, Hi there I said, they both turned around and said hello back, Just then the dog came wheeling out from behind the man and started snapping and barking wildly toward me, I made a couple steps back and said whoa, he looks kind of hungry there, My heart was racing a little but I tried to stay calm, The man pulled back on the leash and said, settle down Samson, then told me I had nothing to worry about and that his bark is worse than his bite, I laughed and said well ill stick with the bark if you don’t mind, I don’t think I want to feel his bite, a few minutes of listening to the dog bark then he finally settled down, I asked the Man what I could help him with, oh he said pardon me for being so rude, My name is Thomas Krinkletin and this is my wife Sarah ann, We heard someone was moving in so we wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood , Well thank you, My name is Scotty Anderson, it’s good to meet you, he told me that he had moved here three years ago and that he and his wife were thinking about buying this house but decided not to, Oh I may I ask why? They looked at each other then Sarah said haven’t you heard of all the rumors about this place, I smiled and laughed, yes I have I said, but I’m not going to let it bother me, besides I fell in love this place the moment I saw it and just couldn’t pass it up, then right out of the blue his dog started barking like mad, it looked as if he was looking up toward the upstairs window, it was if he had seen something, Thomas patted the dog on the side hard and told him to settle down, Wow he’s a loud one isn’t he, I asked what kind of dog is he anyway, the Man yanked hard on the leash and then looked at his wife, then said I think we had better go, I started to say I wasn’t worried about the dog but they turned and started walking away, Puzzled to why they were acting so strange, I watched them walk down the driveway, every few steps they would look back toward the house as if they were spooked by something, I turned and looked up at the window the dog had been barking at but as far as I could see there wasn’t anything there.

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