Chapter Twenty Three

After they left the nurse checked me over, then asked me if I was feeling better, I said yes then asked her when would I be able to get out of here, She smiled and told me that she would have to wait and that it was up to the doctor and that he wouldn’t be in until the morning, I asked her what time was it getting to be, she told me it was around ten o’clock at night, Wow really, I couldn’t believe it, how long was I out I asked her, she looked puzzled then said she thinks I was only in here for about a hour or so, an hour? What are you talking about I said, I though you said it was ten o’clock? Yes it is she said. I thought back at what time it was when I had picked up Earl to come and help me, It had to been around two pm when we got done, so I figured by the time the Sheriff arrived it had to be at least close to three, I turned to the nurse, then I asked if she was sure that I was only here for an hour, she said it had to be close to that, then asked me to look at my wrist band because that has the time when you were admitted, I turned the band around so I could see the time, It said eight fifty five pm. She asked me if everything was alright, I said yes then asked her if I had any stitches or anything? She looked and said no, and the only thing they were monitoring me for is a concussion, we already gave you a cat scan and it checked out fine. The doctor said to keep a close eye on you and he had giving you a light sedative to slow down your heart rate, other than that we feel you will be fine.
The next morning I woke up ready to get the heck out of there, another nurse came in to check on me and I asked her if I could go home now, she walked over and checked the monitors then told me that the doctor does his rounds at eight am so he will be here shortly. I didn’t really like the idea of being here anymore than I had to so I asked her if she could see if he could check me first, as she left the room, I sat up and swung my legs over to the side of the bed and stood up, I was a little lit headed but figured it was just because I had been hit on the head pretty hard. After a few minutes the door opened and the doctor came in, He said well it looks like you’re ready to get out of here uh? I told him yes then he asked me to sit down for a minute while he goes over some things, he told me that I might be a bit dizzy for a little while until the swelling goes away, and that I shouldn’t lift anything or drive a car, but other than that I can release you as soon as we get your paper work done, I quickly asked him about driving a car because I didn’t have anyone else around to drive for me, he shook his head and said that he didn’t recommend that at all because it was too dangerous this early after a head trauma like that. He told me that they have someone that can bring me home so I wouldn’t have to drive. I said that would be great, then I started thinking I didn’t even know where my truck was anyway.
About an hour later I was in getting a ride home from a elderly man that drove the service vehicle for the hospital, he asked me where I lived, when I told him I could see his eyes light up, I couldn’t help but ask him what that look was for, Oh I’m sorry sir, it’s just that I heard some bad things about that area. Then he didn’t say another thing, I asked him what kinds of things, but he just kept a straight face forward and never said a thing, as he pulled up the drive way I could see his eyes passing back and forth, it was as if he was looking for something, he pulled up to the front of the house and waited for me to get out, I was barely out of the van door when he put it in gear and started backing up, woo I said, the door of the van pushing me back a few steps, he looked over at me and said he was sorry but he needs to get going right away, I thanked him for the ride and as soon as I closed the door he floored it out of my driveway and out into the street without even letting off the gas. I shook my head in disbelieve as to how people are so skittish around here, I walked up the steps and onto the front deck, then turned and watch as he turned off of shallow pine onto willow, I shook my head again then went inside.
I just wanted to go lay down on the couch and forget any of this had happen, when I walked into the living room, my heart damn near blew right out of my chest, I couldn’t even take a breath, because of what I saw standing next to the fire place, it was that big black dog! I thought about spinning around and running for the door, but then figured he would have me before I would even take two steps, motionless I stared at him, his mouth was partly open and I could see his razor sharp teeth, all I could think of is what that is going to feel like once he decides to attack me, my eyes looked around the room trying to find something to protect myself with but couldn’t see anything except for the fire poker that was six inches away from him.
I swear hours went by when I finally knew I had to do something, so I cleared me throat, his ears perked straight up and he moved forward just a little, then I said, how is it going boy, where did you come from, I could see his hair stand up on the back of his neck, then a low steady growl that seemed to echo throughout the house, the sound he made terrified every bone in my body, I knew there was nothing I could do at this point other than try and fight him off the best I could, I thought about rushing him, maybe I could get to the poker and somehow use it to defend myself, his eyes were focused hard on me now, they were almost black, drewl fell to the floor as he let out a blood curling bark, then he took another step closer. I saw that there was a blanket draped over the back of the couch and figured I could get to it before he could get to me, if I could, then maybe I would be able to wrap it around his head and hopefully hold him down until I could get to the poker, I hadn’t even finished running the thought threw my head when I made a leap for it, all I remember from that point was...

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