Chapter Thirty Seven

was this, and from who?

I kept reading, it went on and on about him trying to figure out some kind of book,  I remembered the old woman saying something about a book that she had found in a hidden room upstairs. There were only four letters written and the last page talked about the knife.  It said that he had found it in a hidden passage when he was in England and that if it was dipped in the blood of the demon and driven through the center of its heart you could kill it.

I didn’t really fully understand, but thought maybe the blood was what was in the little jar.  I picked it up and shook it, but nothing moved.  I slowly slid the wire holder that held the glass cap on it and took the lid off. Whatever was in the jar before had dried up. I smelled inside the jar but it really didn’t have a distinct smell to it.   I carefully placed the lid back on, then set everything back in the little drawer and shut it. I wanted to go upstairs and see if I could find out where the hidden room was if there even was one. I went to the far bedroom and looked over the boards that covered the walls. About four feet out from the corner there was a board that looked like it was pulled away from the rest just a little.  I pushed on it and could tell it was loose.  I had some tools down in my pickup so I ran downstairs and out the door.  I wasn’t gone for more than a minute and I was back in the house.  I ran back upstairs and went right to the place where the board was loose.

After a couple quick taps from my hammer I pried the first board off. I could see that there was a frame for a door so it must be true. I instantly ripped the other boards off and couldn’t believe what I was seeing.  It was a exact duplicate to the front door, with the same words and symbols on it. I tried the knob.  It turned but I couldn’t push the door open because their was a dead bolt on the door and it seemed to be locked.  I thought about the key on the mantel.  According to the old woman it was the key for this door so again I had to go downstairs. I grabbed the chair the old man had been sitting in so I could get up high enough to see.  Then I tried to get the key out of the top of the mantel but I couldn’t get my fingers on it.  Damn, I couldn’t believe my bad luck. I ran back out to my truck again and grabbed a flat screw driver, then went back in.
It didn’t take long and I had the key in my hand.  I couldn’t wait to get upstairs and see what was in that room. As I walked back out of the living room heading to the stairway I noticed the cellar door was open about four inches or so.  My heart started pounding and the back of my hair stood straight on end. I knew I had shut the door so someone had to have opened it.  I thought that maybe whoever it was must still be in there and maybe they were just watching me threw the crack in the door. I had the screw driver in my hand so I turned and walked straight for the door! I don’t even know why, but I grabbed the knob and pulled the door wide open. Expecting the worse I held the screw driver in front of me but nothing was there.
I wasn’t sure but maybe I didn’t shut it all the way the first time? I stood there watching down in the cellar, listening to see if I could hear anything. In my mind I knew I should go down to make sure that door was still locked that went into the hidden part. I mean those things still could be alive and from what I read in those letters the only way to kill those freaking monsters was with that knife dipped in that black crap. But if that were true then why did they seem like they were killed when I shot them. Besides, I shot them both in the head so there is no way in my mind that they could be alive, so I reached over and shut the trap door to the cellar, then took the screw driver and jammed it between the door and the jamb. I guess that made me feel a little better. I closed the door and this time made sure it was shut. I waited by the door for a little bit just to make sure I didn’t hear anything. When I felt all was good I went back upstairs. I took the key and put it in the lock and when the key turned, my anticipation went through the roof.  I had a million thoughts about what I was going to find. As the door swung open what I was seeing was unreal. It was just like the old woman had said. The old desk, the books, the candle holder....I mean everything seemed true.  Oh, my God, the old woman must have been telling the truth. I walked in then, closed the door behind me, and locked it.  I don’t know why but this room felt safe. As I looked over at the desk I noticed a little box on the shelf that was over the desk.  I slid it open and looked inside.  There were about ten small pieces of black stone and a larger one, plus some kind of grassy stuff.  At first I wasn’t sure what it was, then I remembered that years ago they used to use flint to start a fire. I took one of the smaller stones and hit it against the larger one. That’s exactly what this was, but why would they have it here? I shrugged my shoulders, then put it down and started to look around at the rest of the things.  I found some matches so I thought I would start the candles.  It was getting pretty hard to see since the sun was starting to go down.

After I started the candles I went over and looked at the larger book sitting on the table by the window. It was as the old woman had said, the cover of the book was full of the same lettering and had symbols on it just like the two doors. As I paged through the book I came to a blank page, but behind that page it seemed as if it was the end of the book. As I lifted it up and flipped it over, I found a hollowed out part of the book. It was where something had been placed. To me it looked like it was cut out for a knife and another cut out that was kind of oblong. Then it dawned on me. This looked like the same size as the knife I found in the steps. I wanted to go get it, so I unlocked the door and went down the steps and grabbed the knife and the little bottle.
I ran back to the room and locked myself inside.  I then took the knife and placed it in the hollowed out part of the book.  Oh my God, it fit perfect. I laid the bottle in the other spot and it also fit perfectly. Wow, now what? I knew I had to find out how to read what ever was written in this book. This could be the key to ending whatever this is that had happened to me, and maybe for those people the cellar.

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