Chapter Sixteen

I felt myself getting weak and I thought I was about to pass out. I was just about to my truck when I fell to the ground.   I laid there for a few minutes then tried to get back up, then all of a sudden everything went black. I’m not sure how long I was out but when I opened my eyes it was dark outside.  I rolled over thinking I was on the ground but it felt like I was on something hard.   I pushed myself up to my knees and sat there looking around for a minute.  I was trying to figure out where the heck I was. I reached up and felt my head to see if I was still bleeding.  I couldn’t feel anything wet and it was too dark to see if there was any blood on my fingers.  I slowly stood up and looked around as my eyes started to adjust to the dark.  That’s when I could see I was in the house.   I tried to remember how I got in there.  I’m guessing I must have somehow crawled inside and never even realized it. I made my way to the front door and turned on the light, still a little light headed.   I stumbled my way into the bathroom so I could see how bad my head was cut.  That’s when I felt a pain in my left arm.  I was thinking I must have fell on it when I blacked out on the ground but when I turned the light on in the bathroom and took a closer look I could see it was bleeding.   I rolled up my shirt and examined it closer.  Oh my God, it looked as if something had cut my arm.  Then it dawned on me.  It looked like bite marks and  the cuts were about five or six inches long with two bigger cuts as if something had been pulling at my arm.  I looked in the mirror at my head to see if I thought I’d need stitches, but it really wasn’t that bad.  There was a small cut,  but it had stopped bleeding so I cleaned it up and took a closer look.  I thought to myself,  it will be fine, but my arm really hurt.   I went back to the front door to see if I could make out how I got in and  that’s when I noticed that there was blood smeared from the door to where I had woken up from.  It was like something had been drug across the floor.  I opened the front door and turned on the porch lights. The same trail of blood went across the porch and down the steps.  I walked outside and followed the trail to where my truck was.   I could see that someone had dragged me from where I had passed out, but who and why they just left me laying there without calling for help I couldn't figure out.  I knew I should go to the hospital to get checked out but didn’t really know where there was a hospital near there and I didn’t want to call 911 because it wasn’t that much of an emergency as far as I could tell.
I went back into the house and back into the bathroom to wash up everything really good so I wouldn’t get an infection, or at least try and stop one from starting.  I was pretty confident I had cleaned up everything pretty good, so then I put some iodine on the cuts and bandaged myself up.   I didn’t even know what time it was, so I went back out to my truck to get my cell phone.  Oh my God that can’t be, my cell phone said it was four thirty in the morning.   I did the math quickly in my head.  You mean to tell me I laid there for over fifteen hours?  Holy crap!   I tried to go through all my steps in my head, but couldn’t remember a thing until I opened my eyes laying on the floor in the house.  My best guess was that maybe that dog had attacked me when I was passed out, and someone had pulled me into the house to get me into a safe place.   Why would they have just left me there?   This was really starting to bother me, and I hate not knowing something, especially something like this.

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