Chapter Twenty Nine

Then she said, "I went down and got the key and tried it in the lock." "I couldn’t believe it when I heard the snap of the lock as it opened."  "For a brief second I was almost scared to open the door." "As it swung open, I remember the door made a eerie screech as it opened." That made me more jumpier yet."  "As I walked into the room I saw it was filled with cob webs and there was dust everywhere." "Then I saw a small desk with a brass candle holder." "I could tell that someone must have used this room a lot because the candles were almost burned to the ends."
"The desk had some papers spread out across it and there was a shelf built on the back of it with some books on it."  "What caught my eye though was a large book sitting on a small table close to the window." "I walked over to it and started looking at it." "The words were written in some kind of language that at the time I didn’t understand so I closed the book and looked at its cover."  "It was amazing." "It had symbols that were raised and some of the same kind of wording that again I couldn’t read at the time."
I cleared my voice, and asked her what she meant when she said she couldn’t read it at the time? Did you find out what it said? I asked. "And was it the same language that is scribed in the front door?" She nodded then  I said, "Well? "What does it say?"
It says,
“This place rests of tasteless blood, thy veins run alone. "Let who walks through this passage walk without fear and who passes here will burn of the torches of the blacken Angel ”.
What does that mean? She told me she didn’t really know other than the book said to place those words on a place you want to rid of evil. So after looking through the book she went back over to the desk and looked at the papers. That is when she found out the secrets to the book. On the papers were the key to the wording in the book, someone had spent a long time trying to figure that book out.
I asked her what the book was. She paused then looked over at Red. He just stared at her without saying anything, I asked her again what it was? Then she said it was a book of passages to rid the darken spirits. She said that the cover of the book was actually a passage of purity, and things of evil could not enter if it is put out right.  Out right?, "What do you mean by that?", I asked.  She told me. "Like the carvings on the front door."   "You mean to tell me that what is written on the front door is supposed to keep evil from entering?", I said warily.   She nodded, then told me,  "That is why I pulled you inside the house after you collapsed in the yard."  Then Red finally spoke up and said, "It was the same reason Earl didn’t want to enter the house."  "The only way he could enter is if you opened the door, or if the right passage was said during the changing of a spirit.  I looked at him unbelievably and asked, "You mean like when you shape shift?"  Red nodded.
I turned back to the old woman, and then asked her how she and Red could be in the house then?   I was still thinking this was all bull but some of the stuff she was saying, well it kind of made sense. I asked her who put the carving on the front door.  She looked over at Red, then said,  "It  was Mr. Crane." "He wanted to cure himself after he had been captured by the curse."  "He hated the feeling of being controlled by Vagune and vowed to somehow end all of that." "It was his room that had been boarded up.  "I found some letters of his saying he was worried Mr. Vagune was getting suspicious, and was worried he would find out and end up killing him."

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