Chapter Thirty Two

When I walked in the house I was met by this woman. She told me that my wife had passed away while I was gone and that she didn’t know what to do with the body so she put her down in the cellar.   I immediately went down to tend to her body. There is a part of the cellar that is blocked off from the rest and she said she had placed her body there, but when I stepped into the room, there was a small cot in the corner that had a cover over what looked like a body.  Once I walked closer I heard the door close behind me. Not thinking anything about it I took the cover off the cot to find some old gunny sacks instead of my wife.
I turned around to ask the woman where my wife was, but she wasn’t there. At first I didn’t know what was going on so I went back to the door and tried to open it but it was locked.  I pounded on the door for a long time but no one came and that’s when I realized I was set up. "Wait a minute,  I asked, "I just saw you turn into something that looked pretty strong. Why didn’t you change into that thing and bust your way out?"  He paused for a second, then took a deep breath. "I couldn’t, I didn’t know it at the time but she had found out through reading the books that if put into a room barred by a passage you could not change", he said sorrowfully.   I thought about what he was saying.  Something felt wrong. I asked him how he got out then? He told me that he heard Red and the old woman talking about the passages and that they were close to finding out the secrets behind them. "When Red came down to get me out of the cellar I tricked him into thinking I couldn’t leave the room unless he said the passage that was written on the door. Once he did,  I killed him and that brings us to here."
I tried to think back of all the things the old woman had told me.   I remember her saying that the only way one of the demon looking things could get past the door was if someone had let them in by saying the passage. Maybe he was telling me the truth. I looked over at the old man, his head slumped over as if he were sleeping.   I watched him for a second then took a step toward the hallway. He didn’t seem to be moving at all.   I had to go see what had happened to Red.  I took another step, still he didn’t move so I hurried into the hallway.  I took one last look at him then opened the cellar door and made my way down the steps.  It was dark as hell.  I remembered when I was with the realtor he had turned on a light,  so I put out my hands in front of me trying to find the string for the light. That’s when I heard something moving.  I stood still and listened.  It sounded like two pieces of sandpaper being rubbed together.  I wasn’t about to say a thing.  I searched for the light sweeping back and forth, then I found it. Reluctantly I pulled the string, not really wanting to see anything at that point but knowing I had too.
The cellar lit up, my eyes moved across the room as fast as they could, but there wasn’t anything there.  I walked around the back of the well thinking the worst,  but again nothing. Then I heard that sound again.  It was coming from behind a old built in shelf.  I thought it must be a mouse or even a rat.  I slowly walked over to it. I noticed something shining on the floor in front of the shelf.  It looked like water.  I knelt down and ran my finger over it then smelled it.  I couldn’t really smell anything, so I held it up to the light and that’s when I could see it was blood.  Oh my God, this must have been where he had killed Red! But what did he do with his body? I looked around the room again, but there wasn’t anything, then I heard the scratching sound again.  It had to be coming from behind the shelf.  I don’t know why but I grabbed the shelves to try and move them. I wanted to see if there was a mouse behind the damn thing, but when I pulled on it the whole thing swung open. It was a door.  This must have been that hidden room, the one the old man had told me about.   I started to second guess myself. Maybe the old man really was telling me the truth?  I stepped back away from the door, then quietly asked if anyone was in there.  I heard something so I took a step forward. There was some light shining in from where I was standing and  I could see that there was another door so I slowly walked up to it.  There was three large bolt locks on it, but only one had been locked. I started to pull up on the handle when I heard that scratching sound again.  I slid the lock open, then pushed on the door. Oh my God the smell was unbearable, my eyes burned so bad and I almost immediately started gagging, it ricked of death! I went back into the main part of the cellar, that’s when I noticed a small flash light sitting on top of the well, I grabbed it thinking there’s no way it would work but to my surprise it did.
I started to head back into the room when I heard a noise from up stairs, It had to be the old man, oh my God, if he woke up he will for sure turn back into that freaking monster looking thing and probably come down here and kill me, I had to hurry, I wanted to know what had happen to Red, don’t ask me why but it was something inside of me that was pushing me. I walked into the hidden room and shinned my light around, quickly at first, what I saw was horrible.

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