Chapter Twenty Two

When I finally opened my eyes, I didn’t know really what the heck had happen, I looked around the room then I heard someone say my name, I looked over to where I heard the voice, there was a nurse standing next to me, she leaned over and asked me how I was feeling, I didn’t know I said, I’m not really sure what happened, She told me that I had been brought in by the ambulance and all she knew is that I had been knocked out by a blow to the back of the head, Oh my God, that’s when I started to remember what had happen, I told the nurse I was getting kind of nauseated and would like a bowl or something, she quickly handed me one of those little half circle bowls, I sat up a little then threw up, I felt embarrassed and told her I was sorry about that, she smiled and said not to worry, and that this happens a lot when people get head injuries, I said thank you and then laid back down.
It wasn’t five minutes and in walked the Sheriff, he had another man with him dressed in a leisure suit my guess was he was an investigator or something, he asked the nurse how I was doing, she had told him that I had just woke up and that I was feeling nauseated, he shook his head and then asked her if she could leave the room for a few minutes. I got a little uneasy about that, because it must have been the Sheriff that hit me in the back of the head with something, the nurse came over to me and checked me over once more, then asked me if I was feeling good enough to talk to the Sheriff, I nodded my head and said yes I am ok, on the way out the nurse told the Sheriff he only had a few minutes then he would have to go.
The Sheriff came up to me and asked me if I remembered what had happen? You mean with Earl or how I ended up in here I asked, he made a grim look then said that he was sorry about the rap to the back of my head but he thought that I was resisting, I shook my head and told him no, and that I was just panicking because of what had happen to Earl. He then asked me if I could remember anything else that happened prior to Earl tripping. I shrugged my shoulders and asked him what he meant. I was worried that he would say it was because of him hitting his head that he died, He turned toward the other man and looked at him as if to ask his permission to tell me something, the man nodded, then the Sheriff told me that they had done a autopsy on Earl and found out that he only had two pints of blood left in his body, and that he died from blood lose and not the blow to the head, my eyes squinted slightly, what do you mean, he hadn’t lost that much blood.
I told him that when Earl was helping me unload my trailer he seemed fine, I told him that I had run back in the house to get my billfold and when I came back out Earl was gone I thought that was strange because I was only in the house, maybe a minute. The sheriff asked me if we had a disagreement about anything. No not at all, heck I was happy that he helped me, I paused for a minute and I guess I must have had a bewildering look on my face because the Sheriff asked me what I was thinking about, Well there was one strange thing, on the way to my place Earl became really jumpy about helping me once he found out where I lived, he told me that he thought the boogie man lived her. The Sheriff looked over at the other man, and nodded then he walked over to him and whispered something in his ear, I asked him what was going on, and if I were under arrest for something. The sheriff walked back over to me and said that they believe Earl had been drained of his blood after he had been laying there, I sat up instantly and said I didn’t do anything like that, He grabbed onto my shoulder, then looked me straight in the eye and said we know you didn’t.
My mind was bouncing off the wall, thinking of every scenario possible, well what do you mean then I asked, what happened to his blood? He stood up straight and asked the other man if he would explain it; the man nodded then walked up to the side of my bed. He told me his name was Mike Kerns with the forensic task force out of DC, and that they have been investigating things like this for the past twenty years, but this is the only time we have ever had anything happen like this during the day, I sat up again, what are you talking about, things like what? The man then told me that there has been at least thirty cases where we have found people dead, there blood drained from their bodies, and in some cases their limbs torn from their body. Oh my God, where are you talking about, around here or all over, he shook his head then told me it was within a twenty mile radius around Carl creek, I looked at him in disbelief, then I told him that I haven’t ever heard of this in the news, he said, you won’t either, we have to keep this quiet or we will never get to the bottom of it.
The Sheriff cleared his throat and then asked me if I had noticed anything strange at any point sense I have been here, I pulled back my gown and showed him the cut marks on my arm, then told him what had happened. He told me that I was very lucky that whatever did that didn’t do the same thing as they did to Earl; I nodded my head then explained to him that someone had drug me into the house, and that must have been what saved me, he shrugged his shoulders then said he didn’t understand why someone would have done that and never tried to call anyone for help. I didn’t know either, all I knew is that I woke up on the floor at about four in the morning, and the last thing I remembered before that was trying to make it to my truck after hitting my head on the ceiling of the old cellar, and that was around eleven am the following day. He asked me a few more questions about what had happen earlier.
Just then the nurse came back in and told the Sheriff that he would have to come back later because she had to run some tests, He looked back at me and told me to make sure that I keep things said between him and Mike, I nodded and told him that I would.

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