Chapter Fifteen

I pulled up to the house and got out of my truck, I reached in the back of the box and grabbed a small two by four that was about three feet long I had it in there to chalk my tires of my trailer when I parked it, anyway I walked slowly over to the little shed.   I hollered a couple times to see if I could scare it away, but nothing ran.   I wanted to holler so I didn’t startle it and then it would attack me.   I walked up to the front of the small shed and tapped on the walls with the two by four, then I hollered again.  "Get out of there!"  Then I listened,  but all was quiet.  I slowly crept around the back of the shed and peeked around the corner. The shed was sticking out of the ground about three feet on three sides but on the back side there were retaining walls with a stairs going down to a door.   I thought it must have been a old well house or possibly a root cellar. The stairs were all grown over by weeds but I could see that something had a beaten path going into the building.  The door was open about a foot so I figured that the dog must be using this as his home.   I reached over and banged on the door with the two by four, but again there wasn’t any noise so I slowly went up to the door and gave it a quick kick.   The bottom of the door was jammed by the floor.   I figured it probably had heaved up from the frost in the winter months. I tried to peek inside to see if I could see anything but it was too dark. I gave the door a good shove with my shoulder and pushed my way in. I instantly smelled something that I couldn’t even describe. My eyes started burning almost as if someone had sprayed some kind of chemical in them.  I stepped back outside to clear my eyes and possibly let some fresh air into the building. I walked back over to my truck and grabbed a flash light that I kept under the seat. When I got back to the shed and walked into the small room the smell and the burning that I had felt was a lot better. I shined my flash light slowly from side to side.  It was bigger than I had thought.  It must have been dug under the ground and a concrete cap poured on top for a lid, almost like a vault. The first part of the building was around seven feet square and then went to a lower part that went back under the ground a good thirty feet toward the main house. That part was only around five feet tall.  I started my way back under the lower part.   I didn’t like the fact that I had to crouch down.  I figured if that dog was in there I would be down closer to his level.   I kept my two by four out in front of me, then made my way.   I looked for any lights, but there wasn’t any. The room was filled with old jars and cob webs everywhere.  It had shelves that seemed to encase the room so it must have been a old cellar for can goods.   It was quite cold too, and I could just about see my breath.
I was about ten feet from what seemed to be the end of the room when I heard something knock over,  something just to the left of me.  My heart jumped about out of my chest and the hairs on the back of my neck stood up.  I wheeled around thinking the worst.  As I shined my light  across the room I caught a glimpse of something in the corner of the room. I hollered, "Get the heck out of here!"   I stopped moving and even held my breath so I could hear every possible sound.  I could hear something, but wasn’t sure what it was.   I walked closer to the corner of the room.  Of course my flash light wasn’t all that good but for now it was doing the trick.  When I got close enough to the corner of the room I found a hole in the back of the wall.  It had a brick entrance that looked like it was a half circle.   I wasn’t sure but I thought it could have been some kind of drain or old sewer system.  I slowly knelt down and shined my light into the hole.  It was about eighteen inches high and two feet wide. As I looked in it I could only see about twenty feet inside, and it looked like it went up hill. I hollered in the hole, "Come here boy,  I’m not going to hurt you."  Then I listened.  I thought I could hear a humming sound but it was hard to pinpoint where or what I was actually hearing it from. I stood back up then cracked my head on the ceiling.  I had forgotten that the room was only five feet tall.  Just my luck there was a jagged piece of concrete that cut my head.  I could feel blood running down my face so I knew I must have cut it pretty bad.  Oh,great I thought, first day at my new place and I already need stitches. As I was making my way back out of the shed or cellar I heard something from behind me.   I spun around and shined my light, the blood was running in my eyes and it was hard to see, I set the two by four between my legs and tried to whip the blood out of my eyes, then I heard something that made my throat damn near close up. It was a deep low growl;  I mean the kind that you only hear about when someone is about to be eaten by a bear. I quickly picked up my board and swung it without even looking, then shined the light back toward the sound.  I swore I could feel the warmth of its breath it was so close to me. I turned again looking all around the room for anything,  but there wasn’t anything there.  I ran out the door and up the stairs. Oh my god I thought,  what the heck was that. I ran toward my truck, I must have made it half way there when I started to feel dizzy.

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