Chapter Twenty Six

"Red, What the hell are you talking about here?" "Do you even hear what you are trying to say?"  He said,  "I know this is hard to understand , Scotty,  but it’s true."   Curiously I asked him what happened to his Dad. He paused slightly then told me that on that night his dad changed forever.  "Changed in what way? " "I thought you said your dad died from a heart attack?" I said.   "He did, well at least my real Dad did." he answered.   I shook my head not understanding what the heck he was trying to say.  "What do you mean you’re real dad?"  "What happened?" I shook my head in disbelief.   Red looked at me,  his eyes glistened over with tears and he said,  "That night the man saved my dad’s life and took it all at the same time."  "For  years after that night my dad wasn’t the same." "Every waking hour he researched in old books about witchcraft, and sorcerors, things about shape shifting and things like that."
"Well that still doesn’t explain to me what happened to your dad." , I said.  He said,  "Fine, I will explain."  "The night of his heart attack he said the man turned into a wolf and bit my Dads neck. "My dad didn’t remember anything else after that. "All he knew is that when he woke up he was laying on his front porch and his clothes were ripped to shreds.  "Pulling on his own clothes he looked down, they were kind of like mine are right now."   I stood up and held the poker out in front of me. "What the hell are you telling me Red?"  "That you’re a shape shifter?"  I couldn’t even fathom what the hell I was even saying, let alone contemplate believing this bunch of bull.  Red stood up and asked me to calm down and let him explain everything. After thinking it over and seeing everything I’ve seen the last few days I thought I better at least hear what he had to say, I told him to go ahead, and then we both sat down. Red told me about ten years earlier, he was in a bad motorcycle accident, his dad was the one to find him . Red wasn’t breathing and had lost a lot of blood, and figuring he was going to die, his dad brought him up here to see the old man. His dad asked him to save Red like he had him. Several years later his dad told him what had happened, and like me he didn’t believe what he  was hearing.
"I have I lived a normal life", he said.  "That is until about five years ago."  "I was working on a small project for someone, when the husband and wife started arguing." "One thing led to another."I started pacing back and forth. "I started to sweat, and all of a sudden I blacked out."  "When I came to I was laying in the middle of the woods, my cloths torn to pieces and I had blood on me everywhere." I made my way back to my place and cleaned up."  "The next day I went up town for breakfast before heading over to work." "When I heard talk about someone getting killed I asked the waitress what they were talking about."  "That’s when they told me what had happened."
"She told me  that there was nothing left of their bodies." " I asked her who she was talking about."  "When I heard their names I knew I had something to do with it." " I went over to my dad’s place to talk to him about what I thought I had done, and that I believed what he had told me."  "I was worried that the sheriff would have come after me but no one ever did."

I stood up again, and asked him why he was telling me all this.   My heart was pounding again and I started sweating. He said,  "Because, there is something you need to know."  "But first I have to tell you everything."  "Later that day I had went back to my place to get something when my phone rang."
"It was my Dad", he told me.  He thinks he knows what to do, he said.  That he was going up to talk to the old man and see if there were some way to stop what was happening to me. And ask him why nothing like this has ever happened to him."
"That was the last time I heard from my dad." "Later that night I went over to my dad’s, but he wasn’t there." "I went straight up to the old Cranes place and pounded on the door, but no one answered." "I went around to the back of the house and tried the back door and it was open so I went in."  "I searched the house top to bottom but it was empty."  I went back into town and got the sheriff. I had told him that my dad said he was going out to the Crane place to talk to the old man about something and hadn't come home."  

 Still standing and listening in disbelief, I asked him again why his clothes were ripped.  Red shook his head and said he didn’t want to say right now.  I asked him if he was the one that killed Earl.  He stood up and looked at me. Then said yes.   "Oh My God WHY? ", I asked.
He told me Earl wasn’t what I thought he was. "What do you mean by that",  I asked.  Red said, "Do you remember that day you followed that wolf into the cellar?"  I looked at him and said,  "How do you know about that?"  He asked me again, do you? I nodded, and then he told me that was Earl.  He was what was killing all these people around here. I took a step back, what! No that’s nuts, all of this is crazy.  Red spoke up louder, then grabbed my arms and said no, it’s true!!. He wanted to kill you so no one would move into this house because this is where there secret is hidden. I think they killed my dad because he knew something, I have been trying to figure just what that is but can’t. The next day Earl helped you move. This was his opportunity to get rid of you, just like so many others before you, but this time his plan was foiled because I was here.  I heard that Earl had come up here to help you and I knew I needed to get here fast. What you didn’t know was I wanted you to believe he didn’t want to be here, but in reality he wanted you to feel like you had led the way. Once you went back inside, he started to follow you.  That’s when I confronted him, but you came out too quick before I could finish him.  When you finally saw him walking down the road, he was already close to dead, and when you went to get help I finished him.
Again I didn’t believe what I was hearing. He told me he wasn’t sure it was Earl that was killing all these people, but once he found out he had went with me up here, he knew he had to watch him.

"I knew I was right when I saw him change just as you went inside the house," Red said.   "I had to act quick, he wasn’t quite changed when I slashed his throat, and he took off down the drive way trying to get away as fast as he could, but it was too late."  "Once he turned back into human form, that’s when I knew he was close to death."

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