Chapter Four

Wow!  I didn’t see that one coming.  I wonder what they meant by that. Was it something to do with what Red had told me earlier? Oh, well I wasn’t going to let it bother me too much,  so I pinned the flier back up and went in and got a bottle of water.  I was in line when a woman in front of me turned and said hi, then smiled.  I smiled back and said good morning. She asked if I had heard if it was going to rain today.  I kind of shrugged my shoulders and said I wasn’t sure and that I wasn't from around here. Oh, she said, "Your just passing through our little town then, huh?"  I smiled again and said that I was planning on moving here. That I had a job with Clarks Construction. "That’s nice", she said, then asked me where I was staying.  I paused slightly, then told her I was going to be looking at a house today, and was hoping to maybe make an offer if it was something I like.  She said that was nice, then asked me where the house was located, With hesitation I said,  "It’s a Victorian house up on Shallow Pine Ridge." You could have heard a pin drop.  I swear every sound shut off in that little store. I heard her swallow as though someone was choking her, then she said,  "Really? I thought that the city was condemning that house?"  "Really?" I said, why would they do that? Is there something wrong with it?" She placed her things on the counter,  then looked up at the clerk , then back at me as if she didn’t really want to say anything. "Wow!", I said. "I hope there isn’t something seriously wrong with that house; like radon gas or maybe a mold, or a lead problem."   She looked back at me,  paused for just a second or two,  then said, "It's much worse." Then she grabbed her things and rushed out the door leaving me standing there with a stunned face. 
 I put my water on the counter and asked the clerk if he had heard anything about the house.  He was a young kid with a slouchy posture,  baggy pants, a tee shirt and a button shirt over that. As he snapped his gum he said he heard that it was haunted. I chuckled and said "Yeah,  I’ve heard that a few times now. "What do you mean by that?", I asked him. He just shrugged his shoulders and said his family had just moved there about four months ago.   His dad had looked at the house at first but decided not to buy it after hearing all the stories around town about it. "Really?",  I said. "Well I hope the stories were just that,  because I might be buying it."  Again he snapped his gum and shrugged his shoulders, then told me good luck.  I told him thanks and headed out the door.   
On my way through the lobby area I looked back at the flyer hanging on the bulletin board.  I couldn’t help but think about what that note had said, and why someone would write that. Just then my phone rang, It was a private number.  I answered.  "Hello,  this is Scott."   It was the realtor telling me he was at the house.  "Ok, I’ll be right there." "I’m just at the gas station in town." I jumped in my car and headed back up to the house to meet him.  It was only about five minutes away so it wasn’t long and I was there.   As I pulled in to the  driveway I noticed something I hadn’t earlier.  There was what looked like a small building off toward the back side of the property.   It looked like it was only about two feet tall.   In my mind I was thinking it must be a well house or something like that.  I got out of my car and walked over to where the realtor was standing, He turned toward me and said, "Good morning! " "You must be Scotty."  I said yes and then he said his name was Samuel.  "Good to meet you." he said enthusiastically.  Likewise I told him. After a few brief seconds he asked me if I wanted to check out the exterior first. "Sounds good to me",  I said. He started by telling me the house was built by a old English carpenter named Sterling Budueo and that he had been hired by Charles Vagune to build his home. He was a rich business man from England and moved here with his wife and three children,  He then told me that Sterling Budueo had built a few homes in the area and this one was one of the last homes he built before he passed away. "The house was built in 1817. It is around thirty seven hundred square feet and has five bedrooms and one and a half bathrooms. It has a small pantry and a nice size kitchen, but I will get into that once we get inside."

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