Chapter Thirty Three

I almost started running. There were what looked like half eaten bodies everywhere. Then I heard someone say something.  I turned my flashlight toward the sound. It was Red.  I ran over to him. His body was broken his jaw hanging as if it had been smashed in by a baseball bat.  I asked him what had happened He just looked at me with a blank stare.  I heard something else so I shined the light over toward the corner. There sat what looked like an old woman, her hair hung down over the front of her face.  I asked Red what the hell was all this?  Again he just stared at me.  I told him I would be right back. I could tell he didn’t understand even what I was saying.  I walked over to the old woman, I reached over and moved her hair from in front of her face. Oh my God, her eyes were gone. I turned and threw up. I couldn’t take this. I had to get out of here. As I was about to go, I heard her say something.  I bent over and asked her what she said. I couldn’t believe what she said next, she told me that she was taken in late June, and had seen such horrible things that she couldn’t take it. She screamed and screamed for them to kill her so she didn’t have to see anymore. I asked her what was this place? She grabbed my arm and pulled me close, then whispered this is the feeding place. This is where the screams of death no longer can speak.
I didn’t know what to say. I told her I would get help. As I pulled away she tried to hang on but she was to weak. She then said something that instantly haunted me. She asked me to kill her.   I shined the light at her and I told her it would be ok, and that I would be back. Crying, she told begged me to kill her. She didn’t want to be eaten alive, and she said she was the one who clawed her own eyes out so she didn’t have to see the people’s faces while they were fed on by those creatures. I told her I couldn’t and that I would do everything I could to help her. I went back over to Red and told him I would be back. As I was about to leave I heard another sound coming from just behind the door. I shined the light.  There was a man slumped over scratching on the wall. In his hand there was what looked like a stick. As I looked closer I could see it was a pen.  I shined the light  and could see that he had written something on his arm. Not really wanting to but knew it had to be something important, I shined the light closer. What it read was crazy. He had written over and over the same thing, Purgatory! He had written it so hard that his arm was bleeding. I shook him and told him I was going to get help for him. As I was getting up my light shined across his body and  that’s when I saw that his legs were gone. It had looked like something had eaten parts of his legs, with parts of bone sticking through. Oh my God!! What kind of sick place was this.  I turned and headed toward the door. I didn’t know if I should close it and lock it. I was so sick to my stomach, that I just left it open and made my way slowly out of the cellar. I had forgotten all about the old man, but when I reached the top of the stars everything went dark.

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