Chapter Six

That’s when I remembered.  When I was checking out the house earlier I was bending down listening to the vent pipe when I thought I had seen something or someone in the window. I wasn’t sure at that moment but now after seeing this glass I thought that someone had to be in here. I didn’t want to say anything to Samuel about me being here earlier so I again shrugged it off and asked him if we could check out the rest of the house.  He smiled and said of course.  The next room was a small bedroom with a open closet in it.  I told him I thought it would work good for an office.  He shook his head and said the next room is the living area. When we entered the room I was somewhat taken aback on how big it was.   It had a huge fireplace centered in the room.  It stuck out a good four feet, had a large firebox on the left side and a ash box on the right.  The mantle had carvings on it and the sconces that held it up were statues of ravens.  Their wings looked as if they were holding the mantle in place. 

Samuel spoke up and said,  "Pretty impressive fireplace isn’t it?"   "Oh, my, god, yes!" "It’s amazing !" "What kind of wood is it?"   He looked at some notes he had, then said,  "It is red maple, cut from a tree they had taken out when they built the house."   WOW! Again I was very impressed.  This really was a beautiful room.  There were two large windows on each side of the fireplace that went from the ceiling to the floor. The wood work in this room took my breath away.  It looked like it was hand crafted with raised markings on the edges. As I rubbed my hand across the top of the mantle my fingers felt something cold.   I stood on my tippy toes to see what it was.  Wow , for cool!  Samuel asked me what I was looking at and I said,  "It looks like it’s a key carved into the top of the mantel."  "Really?",  he said, "Yes  but I’m not sure what it is for.", I told him.   There was an old chair sitting just off to the side of the room,  so I got it so I could possibly get a better view of  the key. Once I got up higher I could see it perfectly.  It was an old skeleton key carved into the wood.   I mean it fit perfectly,  just as if someone had pressed it into the wood without a mark on any edge, The key had some kind of writing on it, but I couldn’t read what it was.  I think it was the same writing that was on the front door. Anyway,  I could see it was supposed to be there so I jumped down from the chair and said that I thought it was a strange place for a key.   Samuel told me that he didn’t even know it was there.

We looked around a little more then headed to the next room.  It was the master bedroom, and again it was nagnificent.  This room had a different type of wood inlaid in the floor. It looked as if it was red maple and white oak but I wasn’t really sure.   I asked Samuel if he knew,  but he wasn’t sure because there were no specs on the home.  The only reason he knew anything about the mantel or the siding and other parts of the house, was because they had found the original prints from the house and that there were hand written notes on the print itself.   Wow that was cool, I couldn't wait to see those. He said if I bought the house they would be all mine.  We both had a little chuckle about that. Well,  after looking at the rest of the main level I thought we would be making our way upstairs to check out those dormers that have been driving me crazy.
But instead Samuel said he wanted to show me the cellar next.  I wasn’t too happy about it but said ok sounds good to me.   The cellar door was under that huge stairway.  As Samuel opened the door and walked in he said,  "There’s a light in here,  but it’s one of those pull string ones."  I heard the tingling of the chain rub against the bulb so I knew he had found it.  With a little tug we had lights.  Wow,  another small room.  This was cool too.  What was this?  A walk-in pantry? It had shelves on both sides running the distance of the room.  Samuel said he thought that this was used for can goods because it's right off the backside of the kitchen. Samuel reached down and pulled open a door that was kind of like a hatch back to a car.  He turned back at me and said,  "This isn’t the only entrance to the basement." "There is one that I showed you on the outside of the house, too."  I shook my head then followed him down some steep steps.  Once we got to the bottom, I could smell a mustiness in the air.  I told him that there must be water leaking in for it to smell like this.   He reached up again and pulled a switch and a light came on. Wow,  it was really small down here. I walked over to the foundation and right away noticed that the stones of the foundation were sitting on what looked like a dirt footing.  There were thick boards that were forming the rest of the cellar.  Almost likely, the bottom part of the room had been dug out later,  then shored up to hold the dirt from caving in.   I didn’t really like that at all.  I also noticed that the rain gutters had been all joined together into one big pipe that ran back through the lower part of the foundation and out to who knows where.  I pointed this out to Samuel and he said that it runs into a cistern that is right outside the foundation, and that is where all the water comes into the house for the bathroom and wash water.   I was puzzled.   "What do you mean?" "Where does the drinking water come from?"  He turned and pointed to a small circular shaped thing in the center of the room.  It was about three feet high and had some boards covering the top.   There was a small pipe that ran through the center of the top and up through the floor.  I asked him what it was. He chuckled and smiled.  "Remember the kitchen sink with the pump?" "This is where that runs.  "This is your well."  "The well ?" "What do you mean?", I asked.   He said,  "The well was hand dug prior to the house being built, and then the  house was built around it."  I wasn’t sure if I liked that idea but went along with it for now.  I figured if it works for now I could manage to punch a new one later on. Well I had seen enough of this, and asked if we could go upstairs because I couldn't wait to see the rest of the house.  Samuel agreed,  so we made our way out of the dungeon and up to the main level.  We started up the stairs.   It was massive and  I loved the feeling I had when walking up it.  It’s as if you felt like you were a royalty. As we made our way to the top floor....

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