Chapter Thirty Nine

I stood there thinking of how awful that must have been for him, and what the little girl must have gone through. I turned the page and kept reading. I needed to find out more on how to end this.

The next part of the book, well I guess it’s more of a diary than a book as far as I can tell said that he had found out how to capture the demon and to kill it. But, he needed to find the one that had the mark of the carrier. He said it’s the same symbol that is on the knife and will be on the hand of the carrier.
"I have seen him, but have yet to get close enough to capture him. He lives in the blood of whomever he has encountered."
I turned the page and found that there was blood on this page.  It looked like he was writing and something had happened because he had stopped in the middle of a word and it looked like the pen had been pulled away as if someone had grabbed his hand and tried to stop him from writing. I turned to the next page but it was blank.  I then flipped through the last part of the diary but it was blank.  Oh great, now what the hell am I going to do? I sat there thinking about what he had said. After about a hour went by I thought I heard something. I walked over by the door and listened. There was definitely someone or something outside the door. I knelt down and peeked out through the key hole.  I could see a silhouette of what looked like a person coming down the hallway toward me. Once they had entered the room I could see it was the old man from earlier.   He took a few steps into the room, then just stood there staring toward the door which I was behind.  I took a hard deep breath thinking that he was about to change into that damn monster looking thing, then rip the door off its hinges and kill me.
I looked back over my shoulder and looked at the book.  I thought about what the man had said about the knife and the burning of that boar's hair. I slowly stood up and crept back over to the book and grabbed the knife and the little bottle.  Then I grabbed the box with the flint and the boar's hair. I laid the bundle of hair on the floor just in front of the door, then I took the lid off the little jar and stuck the knife into the dried stuff that was in the bottom of the jar.  I was hoping that it was the blood of one of those monster things and that it didn’t have to be fresh blood.
As I looked back out through the key hole the old man was still there. At that moment I remembered the book said something about a symbol on the arm of the one who carried the curse, or what ever the hell it had said.  I squinted my eyes and looked close at his arms. Oh, My,God!! It was him!! I could see it on his right arm. I knew this was my chance.

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