Chapter Forty One

When I opened my eyes everything seemed blurry.  I closed them and slowly opened them again.  It felt like I had been out all night drinking. Once my vision started to clear I noticed I was still lying on the floor in the upstairs bedroom and I seemed to be in the same spot where I had confronted the old man.  I started to get up, but my body felt weak. As I got to my feet I just about passed out again.  I had to kneel down to the floor for a minute. As I sat there, I thought about what had happened prior to me waking up.  I turned around and looked toward the door where the hidden room was.  It was wide open. I glanced down at where I had burned the boar's hair and pieces of it were still there. It must have worked, I thought.

I finally got enough strength to stand up. I walked into the little room and looked around some. I wasn’t even sure what I was doing at the time. I guess I wasn’t really thinking clearly at all. I thought about the old man and what had happened to him after I stabbed that knife into his heart. My mind started to buzz.  I looked on the floor where the knife should have been laying, but it wasn’t there. There wasn’t even a drop of blood or anything.  I went back into the hidden room and opened the book to see if the knife was in there but it wasn’t.  I quickly looked at the floor where I had put the little jar down after dipping the point of the knife into it and that too was gone! I knew someone had to of taken it, but why and who? I remembered that just before I blacked out the old man said they're coming for you. The last thing I had heard were footsteps entering the room.

Why didn’t they kill me? What did they do with the old man or the knife? Again my mind was hitting overdrive. I went down the stairs to find the hidden drawer in the steps. Maybe they had put the knife back in there? It was empty.  What the hell was going on. I kept thinking of the old man's eyes, and how they seemed to turn color. It was if something was leaving his body. What happened to him? Why would someone take him and not me?

I was starting to really get jumpy and  thought I heard noises everywhere. My eyes circled the room non stop and I was at a point that I was getting sick. I walked into the living room and looked at where all the blood was from before, but it had been cleaned up. I checked the hallway and by the front door, but again everything had been cleaned. Then I noticed something strange. As I was looking at the floor where all the blood had been cleaned up, I saw that it wasn't really clean. I mean, if you were to wipe something up, the spot you cleaned should be somewhat shiny or glowing, but this wasn’t. I knelt down and ran my hand across the floor, then looked at my fingers. The tips of them were filthy. What the heck? I turned and walked over to the cellar door. I hated to do it but I knew I had to go down to that room and look.

As I made my way down the darkened steps every fiber of my body told me to just get the hell out of there and forget this place ever existed, but something else drove me.  I had to know. I had to see just what the hell had happened there. Once I got to the bottom of the stairs I reached over and pulled the string for the light. A amber glow filled the room and at that point I could smell the musty cold smell of what laid before me. I looked over at where the sheriff had shot that man.  I remember the blood that was oozing from his head, but when I walked over to where he was laying there wasn’t anything there! I mean nothing, and again like upstairs the floor was dirty. It was as if there hadn't been anyone laying there, let alone bleeding all over the floor.
My hair stood on end as I looked in disbelief.  I turned toward the hidden room, then walked over to it. The shelf part was already open but the door part was shut, and it had been locked.  Oh My GOD!!! My heart pounded so hard I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to hear anything.  I reached up and touched the first lock, it was cold as ice.  I mean it burned the tips of my fingers as if it was frozen. As I slid  it open I listened. I paused for a minute then reached for the second lock and slid it open, then listened again. I wasn’t sure but I thought I heard something move.  I waited longer this time, even though it was cold down there my body was sweating like mad. My eyes focused so hard on what was before me it was if I couldn’t even see. I reached for the last lock and slid it open, then backed away about two feet and kicked it the rest of the way open. A horrible smell filled the room and I could only imagine what horror awaited me. I tried to see but it was too dark. Then I remembered the flash light that was sitting on top of the old well. I backed my way over to it, keeping my eyes glued on the dark silhouette of the door way. I grabbed the light and turned it on. Again it wasn’t the best light in the world, but at least it was something. As I walked closer to the door, my eyes became glued to...

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